

The effect of paternal factors on perinatal and paediatric outcomes: a systematic review and meta-an

Nan B. Oldereid 1,*, Ulla-Britt Wennerholm2, Anja Pinborg3,Anne Loft4, Hannele Laivuori5,6,7,8, Max Petzold9,Liv Bente Romundstad10,11, Viveca Söderström-Anttila12,and Christina Bergh13

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BACKGROUND: Maternal factors, including increasing childbearing age and various life-style factors, are associated with poorer shortand

long-term outcomes for children, whereas knowledge of paternal parameters is limited. Recently, increasing paternal age has been

associated with adverse obstetric outcomes, birth defects, autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia in children.

OBJECTIVE AND RATIONALE: The aim of this systematic review is to describe the influence of paternal factors on adverse shortand

long-term child outcomes.

keywords: paternal age / BMI / smoking / perinatal outcome / birth defects / autism / schizophrenia / cancer / mortality